First Love


今年的我都已经23岁了       但却连一次的恋爱       都没谈过。


再过半年我即将24岁了        在想着      剩下的半年里       可不可以就让我谈个热恋啊~


也许我真的很差       差得连择偶的条件也没有        但至少我很真啊~!


我只希望他是疼我的就够了       不花心      只对我好…      


there’s a movie called love actually. a guy confess with a girl by using the handcard. and tell her that “To me you are perfect”. wow~ it’s so sweet. he sounds like accept every good and bad from the girl he love. Aww~i’m thinking when is my turn to be like her~>.<

About vanillamie

An extra ordinary girl, who still need some improvements of her english language. She love reading others blogs from all around the world. In her life, she can't live without her facebook but she would like to keep this blog away from her facebook. Living in a simple life, still studying for her further education in Multimedia Design. A girl who loves to photography, baking, drinking coffee, and hangout with a couple of buddy.

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